
A popular song from 1922.
Words by Sidney Clare.
Music by Archie Gottler.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. There’s a girl who lives across the way from me
    She is pretty witty, sweet as she can be
    Boys take her out, ev’ry evening they call
    Later they come back and stand in the hall
    Whenever a boy wants to stay
    She sends him home in this way

Ta-Ta! I’ll have to bid you goodnight
Ta-Ta, I’ll say you treated me right
Please go, you know, it’s getting late
To be candid, you take to darn much for granted
Ta-Ta, you better leave me alone
You musn’t hold me so tight
Tho you can take me to my door, dear
There isn’t any more, dear
Ta-Ta! Ta-Ta! Goodnight

  1. Thru’ my window every evening I would see
    Just what always happened to her company
    She never did anything that was wrong
    Still with the boys somehow she’d get along
    An hour or so they would spend
    This the way it would end

Ta-Ta! It seems I’ve known you for years
Ta-Ta, you’ve got a lot of ideas
I’m wise, your eyes, give you away
Tho’ you’re quiet, if you’d start you’d be a riot
Ta-Ta, I couldn’t give you one kiss
Not now but someday I might
Your line of talk is bright and breezy
But do I look that easy
Ta-Ta! Ta-Ta! Goodnight

Sung here by Fred Feild: