(How’d you get that way?)
A college wail from 1926
Words and music by Charles McCord and Perry Bradford
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- Johnny Jones a college lad
Was always on the go
He hung his high hat everywhere
But never had much dough
He sent home for cash one day
“Dear Dad I’m broke,” he said
His daddy rushed an answer
And this is how it read
So’s your old man
That’s what they all say
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
Seems your favorite college wail is
Pa! Pa! I’m out of kale
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
- Johnny took his girl one night
Out to a cabaret
And when the waiter brought the check
His purse had walked away
She said call your daddy up
Perhaps he’ll help us out
And so he telephoned him
And heard his daddy shout
So’s your old man
That’s what they all say
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
Pa you did not send the kale
So now I am here in jail
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
So’s your old man
That’s what they all say
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
Got no clothes so help me please
I am down to my “B. V. Ds”
So’s your old man
How’d you get that way?
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: