Someone’s Waiting For Me

(We’ll Wait, Wait, Wait)
A popular song from 1909
Words by Edgar Leslie
Music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Henpeck O’Johnson and Henpeck O’Day
    Made an appointment with Molly and May
    Soon they were calling their wives on the phone
    “Don’t cook my supper for I won’t be home”
    Then in a “Taxi” to some swell Cafe
    They rode away to meet Molly and May
    Waited and waited, grew intoxicated
    O’Johnson then sang to O’Day

Someone’s waiting for me
Someone’s waiting for you
I’m waiting and you’re waiting and wifey’s waiting too
Are we down-hearted? No!
We have plenty of dough
WHAT! Go home to wifey?
Well, not on your lifey
We’ll wait

  1. While they were waiting, a waiter named Binks
    Waited for tips while they waited for drinks
    Manhattan Cocktails and Highballs galore
    Three extra waiters were put on the floor
    Music was playing “I’m coming home soon”
    O’Day was praying for some other tune
    Hours were flying, still they kept on buying
    O’Johnson was crying again
  2. Missus O’Johnson and Missus O’Day
    Happened to stroll in the same swell Cafe
    They had grown tired of waiting at home
    Went out and left both their flats all alone
    Soon from a corner a voice hollered loud
    “Give us another and treat the whole crowd”
    Just then somebody broke up the whole party
    ‘Twas Molly and sweet little May

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: