So the Bluebirds and the Blackbirds Got Together

From the 1929 film “King of Jazz”.
Words by Billy Moll.
Music by Harry Barris.

Sheet music provided by Nicholas Leunissen:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Look at my doorstep, look at my doorstep
    Look at the blackbirds, look at the bluebirds
    Look at the bad luck, look at the good luck there
    Never saw bluebirds mingle with blackbirds
    Never saw bluebirds doin’ things backwards
    Never knew good luck ever would perch with care
    I overheard these birdies talkin’ today
    And now I know just why they’re acting this way

First the bluebirds said, “We’ve got to have sunny weather”
So the bluebirds and the blackbirds got together
Then the blackbirds said, “We’re birds of a diff’rent feather”
So the bluebirds and the blackbirds got together
And when they talked it over they let the blackbirds bring rain
And all the bluebirds then agreed to bring the sunshine again
For we can’t have rain or sunshine that lasts forever
So the bluebirds and the blackbirds got together

  1. Needn’t take my word, take a look skyward
    Look at the blackbirds, look at the bluebirds
    As they come nearer, listen to what they say
    Feathers all ruffled, ev’ry throat throbbin’
    Not a voice muffled ’cause they’re hob-nobbin’
    Something seems wrong and this is their judgement day
    Just like the birdies perchin’ outside my door
    I know exactly what they’re arguing for

Sung here by Fred Feild: