Six Times Six Is Thirty-Six

(and six is forty-two)
From the 1917 revue “Hitchy Koo”
Words by Bert Hanlon
Music by Wm. White

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Ever since I’ve been so very high
    I’ve tried to multiply
    At spelling I was awful bad
    But numbers nearly drove me mad
    History, Gee! that’s a cinch
    But mathematics, they’re the clinch
    I don’t know why on earth I’m thick
    But I simply can’t do ‘rithmetic

Six times six is thirty-six
And six is forty-two
I don’t care what you may say
I know that’s hard to do
But it always keeps me worried
Then that makes me feel blue
Six times six is thirty-six
And six is forty-two

  1. Gee, I wish that I could add
    I’d like to be as smart as dad
    There’s not a figure he don’t know
    He keeps books for a Broadway show
    I had a little rabbit once
    And Gee, it was an awful dunce
    But still that thing could multiply
    If rabbits can, then why can’t I?

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: