Sitting Bull

A song from 1905
Interpolated into the 1902 musical “The Wizard of Oz.”
Words by Vincent Bryan.
Music by Charles Zimmerman.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Mary Cow, and Indian maiden
    Married “Standing Steer”
    Mary had a little lamb
    She said he was a “Deer”
    Mary’s kid would do no work
    He seemed to have a pull
    He saw ’round the camp so much
    They called him “Sitting Bull”

Old Sitting Bull, he was no fool
He was a well-read man
Although he never went to school
He would not walk when he was full
He sat on all the other chiefs
Did Sitting Bull

  1. Bull became a barber
    And employed a thousand men
    Once they’d cut your hair
    You’d never need it cut again
    He disliked bald headed men
    They chased him ev’rywhere
    They knew Sitting Bull
    Was very good at raising hair
  2. Sitting Bull, just hated
    All the Indian Police
    He would follow on their track
    They could not make him cease
    He could scent policemen out
    No matter where they went
    Though he’s dead, his head is still
    Upon the copper cent

Sung here by Vancha March: