
A popular song from 1924
Words by Cecil Mack and Lew Brown
Music by Ford Dabney

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Happy Jack, known around the town
    As “some” boot-black
    Never worried tho’ he worked like sin
    Had a grin guaranteed to bring the business in
    Every day when they’d ask him
    How he got that way
    He would tell ’em “If you envy me
    Just try my recipe

Shine away your bluesies
Shine, start with your shoesies
Shine each place up, make it look like new
Shine your face up, wear a smile or two
Shine your these and thoseies
You’ll find that everything will turn out fine
Folks will shine up to ya
Everyone will howdy-do ya
You’ll make the whole world shine

  1. Rain or shine
    He would say that things were goin’ fine
    You could always see his smiling face
    Same old place
    Bein’ broke to him was no disgrace
    What a mob
    Hangin’ ’round to watch him on the job
    Standin’ on the corner all day long
    They’d listen to his song

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: