Second Hand Rose

Presented in the Ziegfeld Follies, 1921.
words by Grant Clarke
music by James F. Hanley

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb:


  1. Father has a bus’ness, strictly second hand
    Ev’rything from tooth picks to a baby grand
    Stuff in our apartment, came from Father’s store
    Even things I’m wearing, someone wore before
    It’s no wonder that I feel abused
    I never have a thing that ain’t been used

I’m wearing second hand hats, second hand clothes
That’s why they call me second hand Rose
Even our piano in the parlor
Father bought for ten cents on the dollar
Second hand pearls, I’m wearing second hand curls
I never get a single thing that’s new
Even Jake the plumber, he’s the man I adore
Had the nerve to tell me he’s been married before
Everyone knows that I’m just second hand Rose
From second avenue

  1. Each one in the family, kicks the whole day long
    Ev’ryone’s disgusted, ev’rything is wrong
    Second handed doggie, second handed cat
    Second handed welcome, second handed mat
    I think father’s head is made of wood
    He brings home lots of things that ain’t no good

I’m wearing second hand shoes, second hand hose
All the girls hand me their second hand beaux
Even my pajamas when I don ’em
Have somebody else’s ‘nitials on ’em
Second hand rings, I’m sick of second hand things
I never get what other girlies do
Once while strolling through the Ritz a girl got my goat
She nudged her friend and said
“Oh look, there’s my old fur coat”
Everyone knows that I’m just second hand Rose
From second avenue

Sung here by Fred Feild: