The Prayer of the Sicilian Mariners, 1792.
The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Fred Feild:
- O sanctissima, O piissima
Dulcis Virgo Maria
Mater amata, intemerata
Ora, ora pro nobis - Tu solatium et refugium
Virgo Mater Maria
Quidquid optamus, per te speramus
Ora, ora pro nobis - Ecce debiles, perquam flebiles
Salva nos, o Maria
Tolle languores, sana dolores
Ora, ora pro nobis - Virgo, respice, Mater, aspice
Audi nos, o Maria
Tu medicinam portas divinam
Ora, ora pro nobis
English translation by Vancha March:
- O most holy, O most pious
Sweet Virgin Mary
Mother beloved, pure,
Pray for us. - You are the solace and refuge,
Virgin Mother Mary.
Whatever we wish for, we hope for through you;
Pray for us. - Behold the feeble, exceedingly pitiful;
Save us, O Mary!
Take away our sorrows, heal our sufferings;
Pray for us. - Virgin, look back, Mother, look toward us;
hear us, O Mary!
You carry the divine medicine;
Pray for us.
Sung here by Vancha March: