
From the musical “Rose-Marie”, 1924
Words by Otto Harbach and Oscar Hammerstein 2nd
Music by Rudolf Friml

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Ah, sweet Rose-Marie, it’s easy to see
    Why all who learn to know you love you
    You’re gentle and kind, divinely designed
    As graceful as the pines above you
    There’s an angel’s breath beneath your sigh
    There’s a little devil in your eye

Rose-Marie. I love you
I’m always dreaming of you
No matter what I do I can’t forget you
Sometimes I wish that I had never met you
And yet if I should lose you
‘Twould mean my very life to me
Of all the queens that ever lived
I’d choose you
To rule me, my Rose-Marie

  1. The song of the spring is heard when you sing
    And when you laugh the birds seem thrilling
    But angry oh my you’d think that the sky
    With storms from the north is filling
    Then when smiles have chased away your frown
    Seems the sun itself is shining down

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: