Ring Out, Sweet Bells Of Peace

A WWI song from 1918
Words by Wm. H. Gardner
Music by Caro Roma

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. A white dove flies at the dawning
    An angel sings o’er the sea
    “This is a wondrous morning
    “For freedom and Liberty”
    Lo! out from the stars of midnight
    God bade all war to cease
    And now for the waiting nations
    At last there reigneth Peace

Ring out! Ring out!
Ring out, sweet bells of Peace
Ring out! Ring out!
The Lord has sent release
The world is safe, and right is won
The victory’s gained, the task is done
The clouds of war at last shall cease
Ring out, sweet bells of Peace

  1. No more on fields red with battle
    Will blood of heroes be shed
    And only birds will sing there
    A requiem to our dead
    For Right over Might has triumphed
    The world has found release
    At last! all our prayers are answered
    At last! there’s blessed Peace

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: