Puddin’ Head Jones

A popular song from 1933
Words by Al Bryan
Music by Lou Handman

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. There was a most peculiar kid in our town
    Was always late for school
    He never learned to tell a verb from a noun
    And always broke the rule
    Though they looked upon him as a clown
    Yet he wasn’t such a fool

Puddin’ Head Jones was fat and funny
Dumber than sticks and stones
Now that is just why the kids all called him
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones
He couldn’t spell Constantinople
Didn’t know beans from bones
Pencils and books were never made for
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones
Teacher told his mother
She would take him right in hand
And teach him a thing or two
Like his older brother, he began to understand
He learned everything she ever knew
All of the kids to the teacher carried
Candy and ice cream cones
But who do you think the teacher married?
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones

  1. His spelling was bad as spelling could be
    He spelled cat with a ‘k’
    He saw that him and teacher could not agree
    So threw his books away

Puddin’ Head Jones was fat and funny
Dumber than sticks and stones
Now that is just why the kids all called him
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones
He couldn’t spell Constantinople
Didn’t know beans from bones
Pencils and books were never made for
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones
After he got married, he went out and got a job
And kept at it night and day
Money stuck to him as close as corn upon the cob
He never spent it in a cabaret
Stock market crashed, then came depression
Bankers cut down their loans
But who do you think had all the money?
Wooden Head, Puddin’ Head Jones

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: