Pucker Up and Whistle

(Till the Clouds Roll By)
A popular song from 1921
Words and music by Blanche Franklyn and Nat Vincent

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Here of late I’ve heard people saying
    That they’ve had their share
    Of troubles and of care
    Here and everywhere
    So in case you’re one of the ones
    Who think the world all wrong
    You’ll find a real good tonic
    In the chorus of this song

Pucker up and whistle till the clouds roll by
Have a happy little twinkle in your eye
Lend your ear to something, worth while listening to
Just remember frowning was never meant for you
Pucker up and whistle though the day seems dark
That’s the time to wear a great big smile
Don’t you give dull care a tumble
Let the other fellow grumble
Pucker up and whistle all the while

  1. Don’t forget that back of the blackest cloud
    You’ll always find
    The sky is silver lined
    With clouds of brightest kind
    So instead of scowling and pouting
    Think of what’s to come
    I’m sure you’ll find it worth your while
    To smile and gayly hum

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: