A popular song from 1929
Words and music by Phil Baxter

The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
Come on you people gather round
And listen to the story of Piccolo Pete
He plays a piccolo so pretty that the people
Follow him out in the street
He learned his music from the birds and bees
‘Mid the flowers and trees
That’s why he knows so many melodies
Melodies that will please
Did you ever hear Pete go “Tweet, tweet, tweet”
On his piccolo? No?
Well, you’ve missed a lot for he surely has got
A style that’s hotter than hot
Did you ever hear Pete go “Tweet, tweet, tweet”
On his piccolo? No?
Well, you’ve missed a treat for his melodies sweet
Are the kind that couldn’t be beat
He can pick a high note
He can pick a low note
He can pick a blue note
He can pick a note that’s a brand new note
Did you ever hear Pete go “Tweet, tweet, tweet”
On his piccolo? No?
Well, I’ll put you wise
He’s a bird in disguise
A bird called Piccolo Pete
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: