Painting the Clouds with Sunshine

From “The Gold Diggers of Broadway”, 1929
Words by Al Dubin
Music by Joe Burke

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. This life’s a play from the start
    It’s hard to play through a part
    When there’s an ache in your heart all day
    I have my dreams ’til the dawn
    I wake to find they are gone
    But still the play “must go on” they say

When I pretend I’m gay
I never feel that way
I’m only painting the clouds with sunshine
When I hold back a tear
To make a smile appear
I’m only painting the clouds with sunshine
Painting the blue, beautiful hues,
Colored with gold and old rose
Playing the clown,
Trying to drown all of my woes
Though things may not look bright
They all turn out alright
If I keep painting the clouds with sunshine

  1. Each cloud you have on your mind
    You’ll find can be silver-lined
    If you’ll just make up your mind to smile
    Tho’ I may fret, I’ll admit
    You’ll hear me laugh quite a bit
    If only for just a little while

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: