Our Bright, Bright Summer Days Are Gone

A popular song from 1861
Words and music by Stephen Foster

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Werner Tomaschewski:

Accompaniment by Benjamin R. Tubb:


  1. I remember the days of our your youth and love
    When we sat neath the green oak tree
    When thy smiles were bright as the skies above
    And the voice made music unto me

Never more will come those happy, happy hours
Whiled away in life’s young dawn
Never more we’ll roam through pleasure’s sunny bowers
For our bright, bright summer days are gone

  1. I remember the flowers that we cull’d by day
    And the vows that we made by night
    I remember the brook where we love to stray
    In the by gone days of our delight
  2. How we joyed when we met, and grieved to part
    How we sighed when the night came on
    How I longed for thee in my dreaming heart
    Till the first fair coming of the dawn

Sung here by Vancha March: