On With The Dance

From “Garrick Gaieties”, 1925
Words by Lorenz Hart
Music by Richard Rodgers

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


There’s a revolution
Cutting loose like the deuce
It’s a thunderbolt
It’s the evolution
Of the truth calling youth with a mighty jolt
It says you musn’t conceal
Anything you feel
In it’s execution this new dance
At a glance is a big revolt

On with the dance, and off with your scruples
Come take a chance you all can be pupils
It may be rude, it may be crude
But don’t say no
You like romance, don’t try to suppress it
Break into dance You’re sure to confess it
Don’t you avoid what you’ve enjoyed
Just let ‘er go
And if you’re falling in love
You don’t have to call a physicial
Start into dance and step
On that mean inhibition
You can dance with your Nell
And dance with your Sally
Dance on the El, and dance in the alley
Don’t look askance
But on, on, with the dance