Oh What I Know About You

A popular song from 1909
Words and music by Jos. H. McKeon, Harry M. Piano, W. Raymond Walker
(with lyrics rewritten by an uncredited Irving Berlin)

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Now Sweet Flo and Joe
    With lights burning low
    Sat spooning as all lovers do
    Her wee sister Rose
    Stood on her tip toes
    And eagerly kept peeping through
    Oh my, oh what bliss
    She soon heard them kiss
    As he gently called her “my dear”
    The very next day
    When Flo came her way
    She whispered these words in her ear:

Oh! what I know about you
Oh! what I know about you
Don’t say you didn’t ’cause I overheard
Honest to goodness, I won’t say a word
Oh! what I know about you
Something that I wouldn’t do
Far be it from me
To repeat what I see
But, oh! what I know about you

  1. Next evening when Joe
    Called ’round to see Flo
    He found little Rose all alone
    In her cunning way
    He soon heard her say
    “My sister said she’s not at home”
    Her face wore a grin
    She said, “Please come in”
    Poor Joseph, oh my, what he saw
    There sat pretty Flo
    With her other beau
    Rose cried to her sister once more

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: