Oh How I Love My Darling

A popular song from 1924
Words by Edgar Leslie
Music by Harry Woods

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I heard a crowd at the Cake eater’s Ball
    Talk of the high cost of loving
    One fellow said, “My expenses are small
    I never spend money when I’m with my honey

I kiss her once, I kiss her twice
Oh! How I love my Darling
I stop and then I start again
That satisfies my darling
We go out dancing and she ruins my feet
But when she whispers
“Dear! supposin’ we eat”
I’m right on deck, she pays the check
Oh! how I love my darling

  1. Christmas means presents and some fellows hide
    When girlies hang up their stockings
    I told my sweetie that Santy Claus died
    She cried for two house, wanted to send flowers

I kiss her once, I kiss her twice
Oh, how I love my darling
Her money shows down in her hose
That’s why I love my darling
I needed “Ten” and went to her for a touch
I looked and found she didn’t have quite that much
She gave me “Four” owes me “Six” more
Oh, how I love my darling

I kiss her once, I kiss her twice
Oh, how I love my darling
In her coupe, most every day
I ride beside my darling
She goes out speeding and I can’t make her stop
But ever since the night she knocked down a cop
I’m out on bail, she’s still in jail
Oh, how I love my darling

I kiss her once, I kiss her twice
Oh, how I love my darling
I light her Pa’s big fat cigars
Then blow smoke at my darling
She’s very heave and she heard her friends state
That horse back riding would reduce her weight
She took one ride, the poor horse died
Oh, how I love my darling