A popular song from Germany
English words by Arthur H. Vivian
Music by Carl Götze
The sheet music:
Alternate sheet music:
Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:
- ‘Twas on one Sunday bright and clear
The fairest day in all the year
We two went strolling through the corn
Through field and meadow, brake and thorn
The lark say high: The Sun above
It’s beams outpoured o’er dale and grove
O happy day, o day so dear
How far thou art and yet how near
O happy day, o day so dear
How far thou art and yet how near
- We strolled in silence arm in arm
Each heart so full, each heart so warm
Thy bright blue eyes beloved Maid
Poured floods of light where e’er we strayed
And deep within this heart of mine
Thy glance did all earth’s suns outshine - As o’er yon lone brown heath we passed
My heart the right word found at last
My lips found thine, a kiss I stole
I said, “Dost love me, O my soul?”
And smiling there thine answer ran
Thou knowest it not, poor hapless man?