Never Mind

A song fox trot from 1922
Words and music by Louis Breau and Nat Sanders

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Life is like a pretty melody
    Every day is full of harmony
    If your morning thought are bright
    All the world will then be right
    So, your daily song should be

Never mind despair
Chase away dull care
Never mind those other days that used to be
Be an optimist and let your thoughts consist
Of the cheery, don’t be weary
Of the sorrow that you see
Never mind, don’t sigh
You will find out why
When you’ve left your little bag of glooms behind
Show the folks you meet
The way to “Happy Street”
And the world will soon
Be singing “Never Mind”

  1. Every time a tear comes to your eye
    Always look for sunshine bye and bye
    Smile your troubles all away
    Happiness will come to stay
    Just make up your mind to try

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: