My Kingdom for a Kiss

(Pour Un Baiser)
From the film “Hearts Divided”, 1936
Words by Al Dubin
Music by Harry Warren

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


If I were a king who sat on a throne
And I were alone with you
The king would kneel before you
As humble people do
To rule my domain would seem all in vain
If you ever went away
If I were king I’d come to you and say

My kingdom for a kiss
I’d gladly give you
My kingdom just for this
A kiss from you
A million skies of blue
And miles of moonlight
They’d all belong to you
For a smile or two
You’d have a crown for your curls
Made of stars
And your pearls would be made
From the morning dew
Can I do more than this?
My heart surrenders a kingdom for a kiss
A kiss from you

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: