My Heart Belongs to the U. S. A.

From the musical farce “You Know Me, Al”, 1918
Music by Burton Hamilton
Words by Lieut. William A. Halloran, Jr.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I’ve been around a bit in every clime
    But none has ever touched this heart of mine
    Been to France and seen its gay Paree
    But it hasn’t made a hit with me
    I’ve been to London on the dear old Strand
    The old Sahara with its burning sand
    To sunny Spain where they do the Fandango
    To Argentine, that’s the home of the Tango
    But listen people. Can’t you understand?

My heart belongs to the U. S. A.
And right here I intend to stay
The way it fascinated me, I cannot understand
But I will say right now I’m mighty proud of Yankee Land
Stranger, stranger, she’s pleased to meet you
And pleased to greet you
My land is ready to help the weak
And give them the refuge that they seek
And when my land has dug a place
Down deep into your heart
Then you will find that from these shores
You never will depart
My heart belongs to the U. S. A.

  1. If you’ve been ‘round a bit you will agree
    There’s many pleasant sights that one can see
    In the glori’us good old USA
    How its grandeur takes your breath away
    The old Sierras with their peaks of snow
    The Golden Gate where all the tourists go
    The other lands have their national dances
    But we have “Jazz” and some classical prances
    So listen, people, you all understand

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: