My Gal Don’t Love Me Anymore

A funny fox trot song from 1924
Words by Ben Russell
Music by Cliff Friend

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I met a lovesick fellow
    With a sad look in his eye
    I said, “What is the trouble?”
    And he started in to cry

Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
A trav’lin’ an came through the town
And now she’s trav’lin’, too
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore

  1. Oh! butter and eggs is what he sold
    That big man from the West
    He told her of his big cheese farm
    And she fell on his chest

Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
She always was so fond of cheese
I thought I smelt a rat
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore

  1. Oh! crossword puzzles she would do
    Yes, she’d do nothing but
    I’ll bet that is the very reason
    She went off her nut

Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
She met a guy from Boston
And he beans her every day
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore

  1. When I called at her house, her Dad
    Would throw me down the stair
    Till later on I found out
    That he didn’t want me there

Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore
And when he’d throw his shoe at me
He leave his foot inside
Oh! my gal don’t love me anymore

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: