Mother and Father

From the musical “King of Cadonia”, 1910
Words by M. E. Rourke
Music by Jerome D. Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. I’m tired of every game but one
    Which one, you ought to know
    Comparing love with other games
    The other all seem slow
    Than love no game’s more popular
    No matter where you search
    It’s played all ’round this great big world
    And ended in a church

Mother and father went to church one day
Many years ago
Also my father and my mother, too
As perhaps you know
Their fathers’ fathers and their mothers
Went and did just the same
So, why can’t you and I go, too
For love is a wonderful game

  1. If love is such a lovely game
    I know what I will do
    Provided that my little plan
    Appeals, we’ll say, to you
    You teach me everything you know
    And I will teach my friend
    Who’ll teach some boy who’ll teach some girl
    And so on to the end

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: