Mississippi Volunteers

(Forward, March!)
A WWI song from 1917
Words by Robert Levenson
Music by George L. Cobb

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. See those Mississippi volunteers parade
    In their brand new uniforms they’re all arrayed
    Here they come, everyone
    Shufflin’ along to the fife and the drum
    When they’re drillin’ on the levee every day
    You can hear the Colonel say

Fall in line! Fall in line!
Lawdy goodness but you all look fine
Hay foot, straw foot
Come on and Mark your time!
Mark your time! Mark your time!
Shoulder arms! Shoulder arms!
Throw up your hats and give Three cheers!
Are you all ready?
Forward, March! Mississippi volunteers

  1. There’s a Pullman porter down in Company C
    Says, “This life ain’t what they cracked it up to be
    Pork and beans, canned sardines
    Ain’t what I got in old New Orleans
    Every time I dream that I’m away from here
    Someone hollers in my ear”

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: