Memories of France

A popular song from 1928.
Words by Al Dubin.
Music by J. Russel Robinson.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Like a lot of little bubbles
    I can blow away my troubles
    Dreaming of my romance
    With a pretty little daughter
    Of a land across the water
    I dream that I’m back in France

Someone whispers to me
“I love you, ma cherie”
In my memories of France
And we stroll once again
By the old river Seine
In my memories of France
And I see her still placing roses
Where many an old pal reposes
And we laugh, and we cry
Then a kiss, then “Goodbye”
In my memories of France

  1. On the road from Chateau Thierry
    Once again so tired and weary
    I wander on my way
    Then I reach a Latin Quarter
    And a Chateau by the water
    It seems just like yesterday