A popular song from 1930
Title suggested by an English song by Harry Major and Paul Andrew
Words and music by Billy Moll and Murray Mencher
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- Gee! I’m glad that I live on the street I do
It’s a great location with a perfect view
I paid no attention to the place before
But right now let me mention
Someone moved next door
I got together and she got together
We’re always together
Me and the girl next door
And I kissed her, I did
And she kissed me, she did
And who loved it? We did!
Me and the girl next door
She calls me her “Life-Saver”
Her lipstick’s my favorite flavor
And I go to her house
And she goes to my house
And we’re planning our house
Me and the girl next door
- Never dreamed of romance when a moving van
Stopped next door to my house
Now I’ve got a plan
There’s a vacant cottage
Right across the way
And I took out a mortgage
On the place today
I priced a Lincoln
And she priced a Packard
So, we bought a flivver
Me and the girl next door
I had the address
And she had two dollars
So, we got the license
Me and the girl next door
We’ll never live with her folks
For her folks still live with their folks
I’m fond of children
And she’s fond of children
So we’ll buy a poodle
Me and the girl next door
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: