A tribute song from 1901
Words and music by Joseph L. Hain
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- It was in the city of Buffalo
At the Pan American Fair
Where thousands roamed the wonderful sights to see
And our noble President of America was there
With his wife with whom he, always longed to be
Oh! little did he think that a coward could exist
Who would try to harm the noblest of all
But the bullets cruel dart
Hath saddened every heart
And brought tears to the eyes of one and all
But his name will ever live
In the hearts of everyone
Though his body now lies moldering in the grave
And every true American
Both young, old, great and small
Sing praises to McKinley bold and brave
- He was born a humble laborer
But died a ruler true
No Emperors, Queens or Kings ruled greater lands
There was no man abler
For fear he never knew
And for his country’s honor he did stand
And to think that one so noble that everybody loved
Should be taken by a coward’s cruel deed
But his soul rests above
His memory we love
And hope that him in heaven some day to meet
So with tearful eyes and pain
We think of him again
Our noble chieftain a-roaming with the Blest
And sad is our hearts
Since from us he did part
McKinley our hearo now at rest
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: