Love’s Charming Art

From the operetta “The Kiss Waltz”, 1911
Words by Matthew Woodward
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Now I will teach you the art of love
    Take lots of latitude
    You have my gratitude
    First you must vow by the stars above
    I am your one and only love
    Then imitate the dove
    I’ll be a dove but what is his attitude?
    He snuggles and he cuddles
    With his feathery affinity
    Then then coo
    Coo-coo roo
    His bill is all the time in her immediate vicinity
    Male bird stretches out his wing
    I see, in a way like this
    Their bills they then together bring
    Of course that is where they kiss
  2. This little lesson is Number Two
    Test my ability, I’m all docility
    You think you know what a dove would do
    Surely the doves do more than coo
    The answer’s up to you
    Here’s where I show my great versatility
    Be careful not to exercise too much familiarity
    When you woo
    Coo-coo roo
    You’re now a bear and not a dove
    Please note the great disparity
    Doves don’t hug, I do
    Bruin’s hug is like a vice
    No, not if it’s done like this
    I must admit it’s rather nice
    Then here is a grizzly kiss