Louisiana Hayride

From “Flying Colors”, 1932
Words and music by Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwartz

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


What kind o’ fun do yo’ fancy mos’?
Picnic? No, ma’am
Oyster supper? No, ma’am
Strawberry festival? No, ma’am
What kind o’ fun do yo’ fancy mos’?
Yo’ haven’t hit it yet, but yo’ mighty close
Don’t hold it back any longer
Is it a hayride? Yes, ma’am

Get goin’, Louisiana hayride
Get goin’, we all is ready
Start sumpin’, Lou’siana hayride,
No use fo’ callin’ de roll
Oh, I like dat sport, sittin’ in de hay
Lovin’ it away, Oh, Oh
Fo’ de time is short, crack yo’ little whip,
Get yo’ little ship to go
Start sumpin’, Louisiana hayride,
No foolin’, we all is happy
Get goin’, Louisiana hayride
No use fo’ callin’ de roll

Roll Call
Maybelle Emmaline
I is here
Susan Candyball
I is here
Jasmine Washington
I is here
Liza McKinley
I is here
Clementina, Caroline, Dinah
We is here, we all here
Miss Merinda, Flora and Linda
We is here, we all here
Chloe Abraham
I is here
Phoebe Ephraham
I is here
We all here, yo’ kin see, we all here