Look Out! Here Comes an American

A popular song from 1908
Words by Junie McCree
Music by Albert Von Tilzer

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Gerd Westendorp:


  1. Soldier, soldier, returning home from war
    Sweetheart filled with joy
    ‘Waits her soldier boy
    Battle over, farewell to cannon’s roar
    For he thinks of his love once more
    Tattered, torn, is his army uniform
    Bandage ’round his head
    Heavy is his tread
    One thing seems to fill his heart with cheer
    When his sweetheart’s voice rings clear

“Here comes an American
Brave country, brave the man
Where the children are born free
In this land of liberty
Peaceful he, while peace there be
But the spark of war once fan
Then every nation will shout
“Look out” “Look out”
Here comes an American

  1. Years have passed since the soldier and his bride
    Had their union sealed
    Wedding bells have pealed
    Happy they since the marriage knot was tied
    Now a boy is their joy and pride
    Just like dad, he’s a military lad
    Country first of all
    Waiting for her call
    When he’s old enough to march away
    Uncle Sam will proudly say

Sung here by Vancha March: