Like a Breath of Spring-Time

From the film “Hearts in Exile”, 1929
Words by Al Dubin
Music by Joe Burke

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Winter blows its breath on the lowlands
    Over every green covered glen
    All in vain I’ve wandered the snow-lands
    Looking for the sunshine again, then

Just like a breath of spring
You came to make me sing
A rose in the snow
Where cold breezes blow
You blossom and grow so beautiful
Come let us drift away
To find an April day
We’ll love and we’ll dream
And life, dear, will seem
Just like a breath of springtime

  1. I shall roam again ‘mid the flowers
    Tho’ I do not know where or when
    Lonely I have counted the hours
    ’til the sun would smile down again, then

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: