Let’s Go In To a Picture Show

A waltz song from 1909
Words by Junie McCree
Music by Albert Von Tilzer

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by Denese Coulbeck:


  1. Johnnie and Mary were just as contrary
    As sweethearts go
    John loved the “dramer” but Mary would stammer
    “A Picture Show”
    Johnnie then pouted at first, then he shouted
    “I want to see something that’s great”
    Said Mary, “They’re greater than any Theatre
    Go in early and come out late”

Let’s go into a Picture Show
For I love it so
On the square, there ain’t anywhere
I would rather go
There’s where every girl and her beau
Always go to spoon you know
So, let’s go into a Picture Show
For a good old time

  1. Mary told him of the wonders within
    And the funny sights
    “The house is so dark when you start into spark
    And no fear of lights”
    “Talk about moonlight
    In there you’ll find spoon-light
    You have your sweetheart by your side
    You hug, no one sees you
    I know that will please you”
    “Then let’s hurry in,” Johnnie cried

Sung here by Vancha March: