Lena, Lena

From the musical “King of Cadonia”, 1910
Words by M. E. Rourke
Music by Jerome D. Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Now once upon a time I fell in love
    You’ll pardon me, that just reminds me
    Of a girl I met in Hungary
    When anybody speaks of love
    I have to speak of her
    Her pretty shoe and stockings, too
    Set all my blood astir
    There is only one thing
    Against her I can say
    The day I loaned my watch to her
    She went away
    Did you notice if she wore
    A buckle on her shoe?
    If she wore a stocking
    Tell me was that stocking blue?
    And did you loan your watch to her
    Why that’s what I did, too
    Yes! It must have been Lena

Lena, Lena, where did you go?
Lena, Lena, I’d like to know
You went away to foreign parts
And left a string of broken hearts
Behind you, behind you
Lena, Lena, I am so blue
Lena, Lena, are you untrue?
You made your hay, they went away
And every day I say
I wish I could find you

  1. Now once upon a time I fell in love
    You’ll pardon me, I used to know
    A little girl I met in gay Paree
    Poor dear she hated walking
    And or course I had to get
    Each time we took a promenade
    A carriage for my pet
    There is only one thing
    Against her I can say
    The horrid way she left me
    At the Bon Marche
    Did she kiss you when at last
    The carriage made a stop?
    Have you ever seen her
    Since she went in to that shop?
    And did you to the loss of any valuables drop
    Yes! It must have been Lena
  2. Now once upon a time I fell in love
    You’ll pardon me but what you said
    Reminds me of a girl in Italy
    While waiter in a cafe there
    I served her things to eat
    She choose a table near the door
    Convenient to the street
    There is only one thing
    Against her I can say
    The day she paid me with a check she went away
    Tell me, was she very fond
    Of English breakfast tea?
    Was she with the mustard
    Most extravagantly free?
    And was the check she gave you
    With the kind they mark “N. G.”
    Yes! It must have been Lena