Learn To Croon

From the 1930 musical comedy “You Said It”.
Words by Jack Yellen.
Music by Harold Arlen.

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


Now-a-days it hardly pays
To grind away at books
To succeed you only need
A singing voice and looks
You need no lecture by Dean or Prexy
If you perfect your voice to be sexy

Learn to croon a sentimental tune
And end it with the words, “I love you”
Learn to moan into a megaphone
And it may be the making of you
You’ll be repaid with rich reward
By ev’ry maid you’ll be adored
If you can croon a sentimental tune
And end it with the words “I love you”

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: