Land Where the Good Songs Go

From the musical “Miss 1917”
Words by P. G. Wodehouse
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. On the other side of the moon
    Ever so far, beyond the last little star
    There’s a land, I know, where the good songs go
    Where it’s always afternoon
    And snug in a haven of peace and rest
    Lie the dear old songs that we love the best

It’s a land of flowers and April showers
With sunshine in between
With roses blowing and rivers flowing
‘Mid rushes growing green
Where no one hurries and no one worries
And life runs calm and slow
And I wish some day I could find my way
To the land where the good songs go

  1. Dear old songs forgotten too soon
    They had their day and then we threw them away
    And without a sigh we would pass them by
    For some other, newer tune
    So off to a happier home they flew
    Where they’re always loved and they’re always new

Sung here by Vancha March: