
From the show “Oh I Say”, 1913
Words by Harry B. Smith
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. On summer evenings clear
    When all is still
    Some gossip you may hear
    From voices shrill
    Although they never all the facts relate
    ‘Tis of the doings of a certain girl named Kate

What was it that Katy did?
What’s the secret Katy hid?
Some admit it, say she did it
Others tell you Katy didn’t
Katy didn’t, no she didn’t
They roast that poor girl all day
But somehow they never say
What it was that little Katy did

  1. What did the poor girl do?
    I’d like to know
    That gossips still pursue
    And blame her so
    They never seem to tell the story pat
    They just insist she did
    And let it go at that

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: