Just Sweet Sixteen

From The Greenwich Village Follies of 1920
Words by John Murry Anderson and Arthur Swanstrom
Music by A. Baldwin Sloane

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. As you wander thru life
    With its cares unforeseen
    There is nothing but sunshine
    When you’re only sixteen
    For love knocks at your door
    Just to tell you it seems
    That your life has been fashioned
    From the fabric of dreams

Sweet sixteen, sweet sixteen
Every boy’s a king
And every girl’s a queen
Love’s first kiss brings such bliss
That it lives within the memory ever green
Each ideal seems so real
And the future for the moment is unseen
Time will fly, bye and bye
You will dream of days
When you were sweet sixteen

  1. There is many a tear
    And a lot of good cheer
    All mixed up in the daytimes
    Of most every year
    As each birthday was meet
    Until life is complete
    We will think of the playtimes
    Of the age they call sweet