Just Once Again

A fox-trot song from 1927
Words and music by Walter Donaldson and Paul Ash

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. After tonight, dear
    The world won’t seem right, dear
    Because we’ll be far apart
    Tho’ I’m broken hearted
    Because we’ll be parted
    Let’s just you and I
    Have one fond goodbye

Hold me and tell me you love me
Just once again
And kiss me just once again
In the midnight moonlight
Let’s love and let’s dream
Love’s sweet dream
Just once again
And let’s hope we’ll meet again
Just once again some time

  1. Hearts feel so blue, dear
    When dreams don’t come true, dear
    Like bubbles they fade away
    And my little castles
    Are tumble-down castles
    No wonder I cry
    No wonder I sigh

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: