I’ve Got To Dance

From the musical “Very Good Eddie”, 1915
Words by Schuyler Greene
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. We have read, we have read
    When the slaves were freed
    Back in eighteen sixty three
    Lincoln said, Lincoln said
    And the world agreed
    ‘Twas he end of slavery
    Let them reave, let them rave
    Since the dancing vogue
    Has taken hold of me
    I’m a slave, I’m a slave
    To a raggy rogue
    And his name is “Melody”

I’ve got to dance, I’ve got to dance
When I hear music calling to me
I just adore, I just adore
To glide around the floor
When I am all through with one dance
And we sit down to have a talk
Another tune seems to whisper
“Get up and walk”
Oh, won’t you stop, Oh, won’t you stop
That captivating beautiful tune
For if you don’t or if you won’t
I don’t know what I’ll do
I’d run away from each modulation
But I’m such a slave to syncopation
That I’ve got to dance
Until the orchestra gets through

  1. I reside, I reside
    In a busy street
    Cabarets on every side
    I have tried, I have tried
    To control my feet
    But I can’t unless they’re tied
    When I make, when I make
    Up my weary mind
    Into bed it’s time to creep
    I’m awake, I’m awake
    In the street to find
    That I’m dancing in my sleep