I’m Going On a Long Vacation

From “Are You a Mason?”, 1910
Words by Irving Berlin
Music by Ted Snyder

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Nellie Brown, stenographer
    Working on the second floor
    Writing letters for a man named Kelly
    Kelly’s wife, a lady thin
    Calls around, is ushered in
    Sees her husband fondly kiss Miss Nellie
    Next morning Kelly whispered in Nell’s ear
    She left the office singing loud and clear

I’m going on a long vacation
Oh you railway station
First in years so give three cheers
Yea bo, yea, hurray, hurray
Everybody in creation
Needs some recreation
My boss guessed I need some rest
Yea, I’m going away

  1. Nellie told the office boy
    He replied with shrieks of joy
    Then went in and said to Mister Kelly
    “Nellie told me where she’d go
    I can tell your wife you know
    Don’t you think I better go with Nellie?”
    Next week the office boy and Nellie Brown
    Were holding hands and singing out of town