If We Were On Our Honeymoon

From “The Doll Girl”, 1913
Words by Harry B. Smith
Music by Jerome Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


One morning last May I remember
I thought for a stroll I would go
And it happened you see
That the same thought struck me
‘Twas telepathy did it you know
I said I will walk to the railway
And the railway seemed calling to, me
Irresistibly drawn I walked on, on and on,
Led by some power that I could not see
At last we both came to the railway
And then face to face, dear we met.
You smiled oh so sweetly
You doffed your hat neatly and said
“Bonjour Mainzelle Yvette”
When All at once a train rushed by
And left us standing in despair
You on the right side
You on the left
I on the left side
I on the right
Feeling so foolish and lonely quite.
And I thought
What did you think dear?
Thought how much nicer it would be.
If that train carried you dear and I
On a happy bridal trip a groom and bride
Spooning honey mooning side by side
Then the bell with it’s brazen ding-dong-dong
Would ring out like a sweet wedding song
And the Puffing of the engine
Would be like a merry tune
If we were on our honeymoon