I Love You More Each Day

A popular song from 1910
Words by Irving Berlin
Music by Ted Snyder

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Come sit beside me darling May
    And look into my eyes
    It seems as tho’ ’twere yesterday
    I won you for my prize
    The hand of time has turned
    Your golden locks to silv’ry gray
    The silver threads have drawn you
    Closer to my heart each day

You were my queen at sweet sixteen
You’re my queen at sixty-three
Your eyes that shone with gladness then
Still hold their charms for me
And as I gaze into your eyes
There’s one thing I must say
You’re still the same sweet darling girl
And I love you more each day

  1. You cheered me up when I was blue
    You laughed when I was gay
    When trouble came you were the same
    You turned night into day
    You never measured what you gave
    By what you thought I’d give
    You’re still my little sweetheart
    And I’ll love you while I live