I Guess I’ll Have To Change My Plan

From the film musical “The Band Wagon”, 1929
Words by Howard Dietz
Music by Arthur Schwartz

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


I beheld her and was conquered at the start
And placed her on a pedestal apart
I planned the little hide-a-way
That we would share some day
When I met her I unfolded all my dream
And told her how she’d fit
Into my scheme of what bliss is
Then the blow came
When she gave her name as “Missus”

I guess I’ll have to change my plan
I should have realized there’d be another man
I overlooked that point completely
Until the big affair began
Before I knew where I was at
I found myself upon the shelf
And that was that
I tried to reach the moon
But when I got there
All that I could get was the air
My feet are back upon the ground
I’ve lost the one girl I found

I guess I’ll have to change my plan
I should have realized there’d be another man
Why did I buy those blue pajamas
Before the big affair began
My boiling point is much to low
For me to try to be a fly Lothario,
I think I’ll crawl right back and into my shell
Dwelling in my personal hell
I’ll have to change my plan around
I’ve lost the one girl I found

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: