I Don’t Blame Nobody for Nuffin’

A popular song from 1932.
Words and music by Nelson Jackson.

Sheet music provided by Ross Boyle:

Accompaniment by Ross Boyle:


  1. I’m a bloke wot’s tolerational, I ‘ates a narrer mind
    I ain’t a cove wot blames ‘is feller man
    When chaps does things sensational, excuses I can find
    For we all does wot we must, not wot we can
    They torks abaht the hidle rich, “good luck to ’em” sez I
    I’d like to ‘ave the arf o’ their complaint
    An’ so would hany of us like to give the game a try
    You may say I’m reactional, I ain’t

I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’
I likes to keep a heasy hopen mind
A millionares’s temptations must be great an’ when he falls
To bame ’em for it seems to me hunkind
If the likes o’ me an’ you could honly get an arf a chance
We’d do the same, an’ blimy, I ain’t bluffin’
If I wos tempted ‘ard enough I’d maybe fall meself
So I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’

  1. I’m a bloke wot studies people, an’ as far as I can see
    There ain’t no difference in any rank
    Some covers may be more classy thatn the likes o’ you an’ me
    An’ ‘ave a bit more ooftish in the bank
    But I’ll bet that Lady Hermyntrude can tell ‘er ol’ man off
    The same as Lizar Ann does don’t yer see?
    An’ I’ll bet that Lord Hadolphus though a ‘igh an’ orty toff
    Can settle ‘is ol’ woman same as me

So I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’
I likes to keep a heasy hopen mind
When a corster gives ‘is bit o’ strife a wallop on the ear
Do I blame ‘im? No, she’s arst for it you’ll find
Married life wiv hanyone’s an ‘eavy cross to bear
An’ nah an’ then there’s bahnd to be rough stuffin’
If the missis cawn’t be’ave ‘erself Lor’ lumme, she must learn
So I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’

  1. Them movie pichser stars do seem to ‘ave an ‘igh ol’ time
    Well, strewth, just see the money wot they get
    A thahsand pahnds a week they’re paid, you may think it’s a crime
    But crime don’t pay like filming’ does, not yet
    They lives in laps o’ lucksherry, takes bawths in fizzy wine
    Well, there’s a waste, but do I blame ’em? No
    If they lives to waste good licker, well, it’s no concern o’ mine
    Sill a plug hole ain’t the place for wine to go

But I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’
I likes to keep a heasy hopen mind
An’ when they falls in love they marries many times an’ hoft
Their love haffairs is always most refined
They don’t stay married long, abaht a fortnight as a rule
Then they pops off wiv anuver bit o’ fluffin’
If we’d the same facilities, (my Gord there’d be a rush
(We’d all be quein’ hup
So I don’t blame nobody for nuffin’

Sung here by Fred Feild: