I Didn’t Go Home At All

(I Heard the Clock Strike One A.M., One A.M., One A.M.)
A popular song from 1909
Words and music by Edgar Leslie and Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Jack and May were newly-wed, a loving pair were they
    Until the other day, when Jack said to his May:
    “Tonight I have to talk some bus’ness with some bus’nessmen
    But rest assured that I’ll return at ten”
    That night he left the flat, and simple wifey sat
    Up with the cat for Jack who never came
    The day was dawning when he rambled home again
    And said: “My darling, please let me explain”:

I heard the clock strike
One A.M.
One A.M.
One A.M.
It told me of my promise when I left you in the hall
Before I knew ’twas
Two A.M.
Three A.M.
Four A.M.
But you know I promised to be home at ten
So I didn’t go home at all

  1. Jack remarked, “It’s eas’ly seen that I’m not all to blame
    My explanation’s tame, it’s true tho’ just the same
    Much rather than disturb you from your slumber so divine
    I lingered just to pass away the time
    And then again you see, I didn’t take the key
    Which proves that my intentions were the best
    I even said a pray’r that you might not despair
    Besides I knew how much you needed rest”:
  2. Jack had been forgiven and the future seemed so bright
    Until the other night, his May was not in sight
    She went to see a sick friend but had promised to come back
    At sixty minutes after nine, to Jack
    At sixty minutes past next morn she came at last
    Her op’ning speech was “I’ve been with my friend
    Because they said she’d die, I wanted to be nigh
    And so I waited for the coming end”

Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: