I Can’t Forget Your Eyes

From the 1913 show “Oh I Say”
Words by Harry B. Smith
Music by Jerome D. Kern

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. In the tropic region of far off Brazil
    Beautiful girls are legion
    Love may caress or kill
    One my heart remembers
    Still, I dream of her
    Eyes that were glowing embers
    That love to a flame would stir
    Who now gazes in her eyes?
    Where I once saw Paradise

Juana, by the Rio de la Plata
You are my inamorata
Greater than the tropical equator
Was the love you failed to prize
Juana, my adorable Brazilian
For you I would give a million
Fancies I have had in my romances
But I can’t forget your eyes

  1. ‘Neath your gay Sombrero
    Still your eyes I see
    Telling me “Yo te chiero”
    Meaning, I love but thee
    Lips that mock the roses
    Kiss like vintage rare
    Grace in her luring poses
    A dagger, well, you know where
    Who now sets your heart a thrill?
    Juana, there in far Brazil