(Your ma wants you)
A popular song from 1912
Words by Gus Kahn
Music by Grace Le Boy
The sheet music:
Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:
- I tell you what
I’m sick of gettin’ lickin’s every day
And if it don’t stop pretty soon
I’m goin’ to run away
Why when I don’t do anything
Some kid is sure to tell
And then the whole crowd gathers ’round
They like to hear me yell
No matter where I hide myself
They’re sure to find me out
And then, a kind a spiteful like, they shout
Henry! oh Henry! (What?)
Your mother is looking for you
You’d better go quick
‘Cause she’s got a big stick
And Oo! what she’s going to do
Oo! She says, “get ready”
You’re going away
Up in the attic the rest of the day
Henry! Oh Henry! (What?)
Your ma wants you
- My ma is always saying that
She isn’t feeling well
And sometimes when I’m very bad
She has a fainting spell
But when she starts at me
Oh Gee! she pound so hard and long
I hate to think what she would do
If she were really strong
If I just knew some place to go
You bet I’d run away
I’m gettin’ sick of hearin’ people say
Sung here by Laurence Rubenstein: