He Promised Me

A popular song from 1911
Words and music by Irving Berlin

The sheet music:

Accompaniment by James Pitt-Payne:


  1. Kindly stop that music
    From playing, “Oh Promise Me”
    Because it makes me sad, so sad
    It brings back to my memory
    Years and years of misery
    Thoughts of one who promised me
    A love I thought I had

He promised me that someday
He would marry me
He promised me a beautiful home
One down by the sea
He promised that he’d pay
For the wedding day
On the first of May
Then he moved away, and all he left
Were the promises he promised me

  1. Sealskins, autos, dresses
    And diamonds he promised me
    And told me that someday he’d pay
    My ringless fingers know he’s gone
    All my rings he put in pawn
    Even took the tickets on
    The day he moved away